Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lamento Doujinshi

Lately I found a yaoi doujinshi. It's Lamento. Although it is doujinshi, it quite good. Some of the series have romance, fluffy and cute story.
I like the characters, cat boys! XDD
As a cat lover (and of course yaoi lover) I like this.

When I looking for some information, especially about it's original manga, I can't found it. I just find some info that this Lamento is one of some kind of PC game or something ??? (need to looking for more information)
But I found some of it's anime preview! Is it have an anime version??(I need to find out too...)

This is the link for Lamento doujinshi:
Download List (but need to register to the following site....sorry....=.='.)
But I found other alternative, but it's mixed with other dj. Just ignore the others:

This is the Lamento dj list that I found:
*Cat's Wonderland
*Come Into blossom
*Feel so good
*The sleepless, night dancing cat, and his.

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