Genre manga ini termasuk shounen, yaoi, romance, action. Meskipun tampak shounen, tapi aku sendiri bingung menentukan apakah ini shounen atau shoujou setelah membaca manga nya. Mungkin cerita romance didalam nya yang membuatku bingung. Namun sekitar 80% manga ini adalah shounen :D
Cerita dalam manga ini mengandung cerita-cerita berbau mafia, romance, money. Hampir sama dengan 'okane ga nai' tapi bedanya tokoh yang menjadi uke disini tidak terlalu girly seperti dalam 'Okane ga Nai'. Intinya masihlah sebuah tokoh cowok yang masuk akal sekalipun dia uke, dia tetap manly dan bandel. ^___^
Some Information and synopsis!
Finder Series (not included oneshot extra chapter)
Wow, they look cool and beautiful! I have to definitely read this one! Thanks
you're welcome ^^
hontou ni sugoii~ please visit nd follow my blog, sankyuu
How come the guy who is raped starts to love that guy!! XD Yaoi is fun! :)
@ciptanirmala: okay, i'll visit you ^^
@darker blue: this side is a bit strange hahaha XDD
maybe becoz the seme have the warm side although he raped him at first.Yeah!! yaoi is fun! ^o^
Hey Reizsha, your language tool works perfectly!! It is very helpful, thanks! You must be really skillful with web-design ^^
Which language tool?? Google translate tool you mean??
I just try to write as good as possible sentences in my language, so that tool could works properly. (but i think it's still messy hahahaha XDD)
Sometimes people (non-english speak) write a daily speaks in their own language that google translate tool can't understand...
o yeah,almost forgot, thank you! ^o^
reizsha nice blog, tp dirimu punya lanjutannya series ini ga yg escape n love ?????
Nah, itu dia...
masih kucari-cari, susah banget cari link download buat chapter 4...
Thanks for viewfinder extra story...
I'm also like this manga....
Eh, Indonesia kan????
...so, msh da ch4 nya????
Ak nunggu always...
Update terus yacht....
Aku suka akihito...
liar, cool, n ....
pokokknya keren deh...!!!!
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